The Fifty-two Seven Alliance Community Charter
Standards of Conduct
The Fifty-two Seven Alliance Community is a Private Group
When you subscribe, you will be granted a Community Charter providing access to our community. You agree to abide by the terms of the Community Charter. If you cancel or subscription or your Community Charter is revoked for any reason, you will not be entitled to a refund of any subscription fees, course fees, or any other reimbursement or remuneration, or claimed damages.
Core Community Beliefs and Values
The core beliefs of this community are founded on values derived from sound principles. They are ideals we strive to live by. Many values are on our list, but those set forth below are the few we consider our core values.
More than some simple platitudes, defining core values and beliefs at this point provides the foundation of the relationship and interaction you and this community will enjoy in the future. So please review and think about what is stated below.
If you find yourself thinking along the lines of, “Yes! That’s pretty much what I think and believe too!” then we have a similar moral imperative and can move forward in a positive mutual manner.
On the other hand, if any of these stated values and beliefs cause any negative emotions, please punch out now, and we will each respectfully travel our respective ways.
Here are our core values in no particular order.
The opposite and replacement of fear, a primary tool in the devil’s workbelt, along with shame and coercion.
The fruit of faith and expectation that all things will work out and God will prevail.
Manifests God’s unconditional love for others by placing their needs above our own and knowing with absolute certainty there is complete reciprocity, but not to the point of relinquishing our agency. To have patience and not take offense where none is intended or internalize the misbehavior of others.
Be true, steadfast, and immovable in our relationships with God, Family, and Freedom. To remember our spiritual DNA as God’s children and then “Be loyal to the royal within.”
Be courageous, stand up, and do the right thing despite possible negative consequences. To be honest, forthright, and true to our word.
Mutually honor and defend the rights of others even when we disagree.
Always seek an understanding of reality and never be afraid to do the hard work of learning. Challenge our beliefs regularly, then have the courage to change as new information is revealed. Seek facts and avoid operating on assumptions.
Keep pursuing something you believe in. Have the courage to work hard and keep fighting even when it looks like you may be whipped. You may lose a battle, but the war is never lost until you surrender and quit.
Personal sovereignty is a fundamental premise in God’s plan for our happiness. He granted unto us the right of free choice to act for ourselves. Our quest is to bend personal will to God’s will and allow Him to prevail in our lives. No man has the right to steal that agency. Our duty is to claim, exercise, and defend our sovereignty.
We put forth our very best effort as we exercise our agency to act and not be acted upon. When unsure what to do, get to work and start moving, having faith the right path will be revealed.
Community Discussion and Interaction
Overview of Community Interaction
When Adolph Ochs bought the New York Times in 1896, this is what he wanted to accomplish:
”It will be my earnest aim that The New York Times give the news, all the news, in concise and attractive form, in language that is permissible in good society, and give it as early if not earlier, than it can be learned through any other reliable medium; to give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect, or interest involved; to make of the columns of The New York Times a forum for the consideration of all questions of public importance, and to that end to invite intelligent discussion from all shades of opinion.”
That’s a fair representation of what we hope to do in this community.
We strive to separate valued, honest thoughts from the overwhelming white noise created by today’s talking heads seeking nothing but market share and clicks.
To stimulate intellectual curiosity.
This forum is not meant to justify individual personal beliefs, values, or behaviors and recruit others to any particular “side.”
The idea is to not dwell on the few specific beliefs where we differ but focus on and remember the many principle-based values we share in common, where our moral imperatives overlap.
None of us need to buy into another’s beliefs. It seems the overwhelming good in people is often overlooked or even rejected when there are only minor points of disagreement. Shouldn’t we still buy into the person’s intrinsic value even if we disagree with only a few unimportant issues?
While everyone has their own style, we are each expected to adhere to guiding principles as we interact.
Make positive comments that build up and not tear down. As promoted in the song lyrics “Accentuate The Positive” by Johnny Mercer:
“You’ve got to accentuate the positive,
Eliminate the negative,
And latch on to the affirmative.
Don’t mess with Mister In-Between.”
Let’s come together and celebrate the many values we share in common!
Following are Some Specific Standards of Community Interaction
Be courteous and respectful
Express your views politely without insults, name-calling, or personal attacks. We welcome diverse perspectives but ask that you engage thoughtfully and with consideration for others.
Follow the example of great statesmen who have gone before. Some examples that come to mind include Otto von Bismarck, George Washington, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John II. Vivek Ramaswamy may join that group as well.
We know from history that the public truly admires people who can make them laugh while still communicating hard things.
Keep it constructive
Offer thoughtful contributions that move conversations forward. Avoid overt negativity that derails the productive exchange of ideas.
Encourage each other’s growth and learning. Celebrate successes and offer support during challenges.
Actively show empathy and care
This is a shared space - be mindful of others’ feelings and experiences. If you disagree, do so in a respectful way that builds understanding.
There is no reason or need to “call out” another person or organization. We all have plenty to work on for ourselves.
This means placing the well-being of other members above your own needs and wants by taking on the role of a “servant leader” and making sure your personal ledger balances out on the giver versus the taker side.
Inclusivity and diversity
Embrace diversity, acknowledging the value of different perspectives. Be open to learning from others and considerate of varying viewpoints.
No hate speech, bullying, harassment, or threats
This includes but is not limited to slurs, abusive language, aggressive posturing, intimidation, and any other provocations. These behaviors have no place here.
No spam
Avoid flooding the community with repetitive content. Self-promotion should be thoughtful, limited, and consistently on-topic.
Privacy and Safety
Do not share others' personal information without consent or permission for details people prefer to keep private.
Report any threats, harassment, or harmful behavior to moderators immediately.
Stay on-topic
Keep posts and comments relevant to the original topic so conversations stay focused and offer an opening for others to share.
Exercise discretion
Some topics can become emotionally charged. Tread carefully and be prepared to pause or withdraw from inflammatory exchanges. No man has the right to steal that agency. Our duty is to claim, exercise, and defend our sovereignty.
When our goal is to share light and truth, then losing the need to ‘win’ will open doors that domination never can.
Remember, we do our best to promote peace and avoid contention when possible.
Final Thoughts
By embracing these principles, we will create a welcoming, open, and caring community where people feel safe, supported, and engaged. Our diversity makes us stronger when exchanged with empathy and care.
We aim to replace fear with faith by reporting the good and living with soft hearts.
May we strive to:
Place the well-being of other members above your own needs and wants.
Be a net giver, not a net taker.
Replace fear with faith.
Promote peace and avoid contention when possible.
Show mutual and self-respect.
Revive the tradition of statesmanship.
Have soft hearts, not hard hearts.
Constantly report on the good.
This is our community! Let's connect, share, and grow while fostering mutual appreciation and respect.
Bryan Hyde and Russell Anderson