Rallying others to a cause in which we strongly believe can be a lot harder than it sounds.
It’s not enough to simply raise the volume of our voice.
If we want others to embrace our cause, we must first persuade them to take us seriously.
Whatever principle we hope to advance, whether it be freedom, frugality, kindness or simply awareness, we must be the embodiment of that quality.
Nothing undermines a cause like hypocrisy.
Living our daily lives in harmony with our deepest held values can be more convincing than a hundred heartfelt speeches.
Our actions will always show what we really believe.
Cultural literacy is another useful quality in reaching the hearts and minds of the people around us.
It is what allows us to understand, recognize and effectively communicate across a wide spectrum of ideologies, knowledge and viewpoints.
When we understand the people, places and events that have shaped our world and how they fit together, we can more clearly communicate what is good, true and beautiful with conviction.
Lacking this depth, we become little more than parrots repeating the talking points of our favorite ideologues.
There’s also power in being willing to speak up with what St. Augustine called “noble insolence.”
This refers to the ability to speak up with unusual or admirable clarity, especially to those in power.
Above all, before setting out to fix the world, we must start by first getting our own lives in order.
You may also enjoy Latter-day Voices, another quality publication in the Fifty-two Seven Alliance family.
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